Tourist Attractions
Posted by Stig Skaran on Oct 18, 2012 in Information | 0 commentsWe are continually learning that it brings long term damage for children to attach and then “detach” from people who show care, but then leave. Although people have good intentions, the children feel “put on display” every time donors and visitors come to spend time with them. Everyone needs uncle and aunts, but toursits do not fill this need in the children. Think before visiting a children home. You don’t want to exploit the children.
Read this great article about the situation in Cambodia. It is the same situation in Myanmar, except it is foreign churches, teams, and organizations that are targeted.
We have also seen again and again that Christian ministries remove children from their parents in the villages to make a living for themselves running these homes in Yangon. The director needs visitors to get support, and the children are being used to make a good display. www.orphanages.no is a good place to read more.
Read these articles for more information about the Orphanage Industry:
Voluntourism: ”A Misguided Industry”
Cambodia’s Disturbing Orphanage Industry
Children Are Not A Tourist Attraction
Friends-International made a “Children are not Tourist Attractions” campaign in Cambodia in 2011. The situation in Myanmar is similar, but the main exploitors in Myanmar are not [yet] tourists, they are short-term missionary teams. Read more about the Friends-International compaign here, or visit their campaign site: www.thinkchildsafe.