There are more than 200 private, unregistered children homes in Yangon
Most of these homes are supported by foreigners
Should you get involved?
About us

We, Lill and Stig Skaran, have worked with faith-based orphanages in Myanmar since we moved to Yangon in 2004. We moved back to Norway in March, 2013, but are still engaged with helping children stay with their families in their own villages. We do this through a project called Families Together.

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Our Opinion

We came to Myanmar with the expectancy that we would work with children living in orphanages here, but quickly realized that most of the children living in “orphanages” actually had living family members. The question we started to ask ourselves was: “Why are these children living in “orphanages?”

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Contact us

Contact us if you would like to talk more, or if you have any questions regarding the orphanage situation in Myanmar. Complete the form and we will get back to you.

Best regards,
Lill and Stig Skaran

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